Network Analytics & Assurance
Turn data into intuition
Put your data to work. Get 360-degree contextual insights across users, devices, and applications. Assure network performance with real-time and historical data analytics, to learn, adapt, and even detect problems before they happen. You probably can’t play fetch with a T. rex, but you can travel back in time to troubleshoot your wired and wireless networks.

Simplify management
Reduce the time spent on provisioning and change management from days to hours.

Turn insights into action
Get network performance insights and guided issue remediation. Spend less time on mundane troubleshooting tasks.

Gain network visibility
Quickly detect and respond to threats, before hackers can steal data or disrupt operations.

Save time, solve problems
Analytics combined with automation reduces time spent on troubleshooting.

Troubleshoot faster
Get more than just data. Analytics uncovers the root causes of issues, then applies best practices to suggest solutions.

Improve user experience
Networks are monitored for trends that may impact performance. Cisco domain knowledge drives remediation suggestions.

Plan more effectively
Analytics can model changes on the network. Test configurations before you deploy and fine-tune for optimal performance.

Centralized management
This single pane of glass provides an easy-to-understand dashboard for network analytics tasks. You can view and take action on the output from a single interface.
Data collection and analytics
DNA Center collects multiple data sources for devices, applications, and users, then applies advanced analytics algorithms to uncover correlations and suggest remediation.

A smart network for a smart campus
Intuitive network solution SDA for smart operations and security.

Get powerful network insights
Use network analytics to make data-driven decisions. Automate tasks to save time.

Improve your bottom line
Use the DNA ROI Calculator to see how much your organization could save with a software-defined network.